At Premier we like to find reasons to celebrate. Here in this first post for Premier, let me explain that we have so many different spinners, kites, and flags, that you are bound to find something that will make a perfect decoration or gift for any reason - including a gift to yourself. In future posts, with the help from, I'll share some of the holidays and observances that we have products that will help you celebrate, as well as a little bit of interesting information to help you appreciate the day.
I'm happy to launch our blog with National Pig Day because a good friend has a pet pig. Not a pot-bellied pig, mind you, but a full size pig that she met at the county fair. She boards her pig, Hay-Seuss, at a farm where I boarded my horse. I learned that pigs are, in fact, very smart and can be taught many things and they like to teach us things, too.
Needless to say, I gave my friend a Pig on a Bike Spinner for her yard.
National Pig Day was formed in 1972 by two sisters who felt that the pig deserved a day "to accord the pig its rightful, though generally unrecognized, place as one of man's most intellectual and domesticated animals.” Here at Premier, we couldn’t agree more, or at least I can’t.
Pigs have a reputation for being dirty, but the pig I knew was very neat and tidy and preferred to stay that way (his bathroom habits exceed that of my ex-boyfriends!) unless it is hot. Then he enjoys mud baths as a way to cool down. Pigs are the smartest of all domestic animals with a sense of humor, at least in my experience. Pigs like to eat roots and will use their great sense of smell to root for food. They are omnivores, so in the wild they will eat rodents and reptiles. Hay-Seuss eats chicken nachos. A full grown pig can weigh upwards of 700 lbs! Their large snout has a disk of cartilage at the end of their nose which is what helps make their snout so strong, which is a good thing with all of that rooting.
Now that you know more about pigs, we can all agree that this is a day that calls for celebration. If you happen to be near Key Colony Beach, Florida, you can attend the National Pig Day events at Cabana Breezes. Or you can attend the events at the Discover Center Museum in Rockford, Illinois. You can attend National Pig Day events at zoos or take a trip to a pig farm.
No events in your area? Don't despair! perhaps have your own Pig Day Party and serve pink punch. It seems debatable as to whether you should celebrate with pork chops and BLTs or if you should have turkey bacon BLTs and fried chicken saving the ham for Poultry Day. That kind of decision is up to you. At Premier, we don’t judge.
Anyway, you can decorate with porcine (we had to look it up, too, it is of or relating to swine) figurines, play pin the pigtail on the pig, and have a “snort off” awarding the best snorter a pig kite (of course). You can give your friends all manner of pig gifts! Perhaps tie pink ribbon pigtails around your trees in your yard! Have all of your Pig Party Guests wear pig ears on a headband and little piggy tails on the back of their pants. Have everyone dress in pink! Watch Babe. The ideas for this day are simply endless!!
It might just be simpler to put a pig spinner in the yard and leave it at that.
Susan has been the art director at Premier since 2002. She used to exercise race horses in
addition to working at Premier but has since adopted one of the race horses. Now she is happily working one job and enjoying having spare time. In this spare time she is either outdoors with her horse or home at her easel. Occasionally she is doing random cat rescue. She enjoys her job and all the people she gets to meet along the way. Her favorite kites this year are Batty and Unicorns deltas!
What a wonderful way to honor pigs – National Pig Day! I have collected pig figures, art etc. since I was young and I think they are some of the smartest (and cutest) animals! In fact, my favorite two pigs to follow on Facebook are Priscilla (Prissy) & Poppleton. Their owner is a 1st grade school teacher in Florida and she amazes me everyday with a post of their school & vacation adventures. If you don’t already follow them – you will love them!
With that said, I was thrilled to find the selection of wind garden pigs – I just can’t decide which one :-) We recently received the Dachshund whirligig (we have an adorable real dachshund named Max). I had the pleasure of speaking with Val Deale regarding an assembly question. He was very helpful and I promised to send him a picture of Max and the whiligig shortly.
I am truly impressed by the Premier Designs selection and quality – I can’t wait to make my decision on which pig to own! Maybe Priscilla and Poppleton deserve a whirligig?
Hogs and Kisses,
Novice Buffo